Alert, instead of losing weight, extreme diet is wrong can actually give negative effects for the body. As nutritionists from New York University, Lisa Young, Ph.D., point out that balanced nutrition is essential to maintain the stability of metabolism, which then affects the performance of the internal organs.
"Restricting too extreme calories can make the body malnourish.Moreover, the body can adapt to break down muscle tissue to store energy.These ends, this condition can slow down your metabolism and make it even more difficult to lose weight.
What kind of mark does the body show that your extreme diet is wrong and needs to be fixed?
1. You are always hungry
When the body lacks the extreme calories, then you tend to be always hungry and can not stop thinking about food. If this condition occurs and you instead of filling the stomach with just a snack, but even unwilling to eat, which happens you can be crazy at the next meal.
According to Young, snacking while trying to lose weight is not something that is 100 percent prohibited. Snacking can actually help keep your caloric intake steady and keep your mind focused during your activity.
"To prevent you from being over-hungry and crazy at mealtimes, you should eat a diet rich in protein and fiber every meal," Young says.
2. Period so irregular
One of the signs that need to be considered to know whether your diet is right or not is through the menstrual period. If you do not consume enough intake of nutrients and calories, your menstrual period will generally become irregular.
"Even your period may stop or become less because the body does not have enough fat to produce hormones that trigger the menstrual cycle," said Young.
3. Dizziness
One of the components associated with brain function is glucose in the blood, which comes from the carbohydrates you eat. Restricting extreme caloric and carbohydrate intake can make you a lack of energy. As a result, the work of the brain becomes a bit hampered and you become dizzy or have headaches.
4. Limp and easily drowsy
If you become easily drowsy and feel not energized enough to move, as usual, this could be because your calorie intake is too much restricted.
"When you do not consume enough energy, you tend to become tired all the time and always want to sleep," Young added.
5. Quick temper and irritability
Young said, one other effect when you are too restrictive caloric intake is feeling sensitive and irritable. Several previous studies have also shown that too strict diet is often associated with a volatile mood.