Because often not realized there are some daily habits that in fact can make a much older appearance than the actual age of someone. Anything?
1. Do not drink enough water
Meeting fluid needs is very important for the body. Adequate water consumption can be beneficial to health such as regulating digestion, strengthening the immune system, adding energy, and helping to lose weight.
The study, published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience found that adequate water consumption can even improve one's mental health. However, the greatest benefit of consuming enough water is the hydration of the body so the skin is healthier and better. Conversely, if dehydration, the skin can look dull, sagging, and wrinkles look more clear.
2. Do not wear sunscreen
Exposure to sunlight can accelerate the aging process. Well, Dr. Susie Rendra SpKK from Skin and Aesthetic Clinic RS Pondok Indah-Puri Indah said less too often exposed to sunlight. For that, for people who often do activities outside the room, Dr. Susie reminded the importance of using sunscreen.
"Sunscreen or sunblock contains SPF or Sun Protection Factor, the smaller the SPF number, the protection period is shorter, the smaller the SPF, the protection period is shorter." For SPF 15 is approximately 2 hours of protection, "he said. Dr. Susie.
Dr. Susie suggests for you who often move outdoors at least wear sunscreen with SPF 30. Then, do not forget to use sunscreen 30 minutes before exposure to the sun so that when the body exposed to the sun, sunscreen can work. Meanwhile, SPF 15 can be used by those who spend a lot of time indoors, but a repetition of usage should also be done.
3. Do not wash your face at night and do not wear a moisturizer
Before bed, do not forget to wash your face. This is because throughout the day and pores of the skin is exposed to the outside environment so that dirt and oil can be collected there. When the face is not cleaned up and you go to sleep, the skin can cause irritation to the skin look unhealthy and dull.
However, make sure you wear a liquid facial cleanser suitable for your skin type yes. In the morning, before starting the activity, try using a facial moisturizer. Needless to expensive, the most important thing choose a moisturizer that is free of harsh chemicals or fragrances. If possible, try using coconut oil as a natural face moisturizer.