His age might still 12 years old. But this Teen has already managed to find compounds that could fight cancer from green tea.
His Name Is Stephen Litterateur. His interest in cancer research blossomed when two friends of her family were diagnosed with breast cancer. This encouraged him to read a lot of literature on cancer.
Until when he found an article which showed a decreasing trend of cancer in Japan because of the habits of the people consuming green tea. In the article, it was mentioned that the antioxidants contained in the secret hijaab the decline in tea.
Assisted his father, Leslie, also a chemist, Stephen then build a small lab in their house. As the object of the experiment, he used a worm planaria worms and bought 100 of the tail for the purposes of research.
Stephen and Leslie deliberately use this because the type of planaria worms is known to have stem cells called neoblasts that can have behavior similar to cancer cells. According to Stephen, if the function is terminated, then the neoblasts he believes this could be the cure for cancer.
After that, the worms were split into four groups of four different materials and explain for four weeks. One group of explaining antioxidants contained in green tea called epigallocatechin-3 ' gallate (EGCG) '.
The second group of explaining EGCG for 24 hours and also two carcinogens; then the third group explaining carcinogens, whereas the fourth group as a control only explaining mineral water.
Karsinogennya is cadmium sulfate and 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) that own and fresh by Leslie so that his son did not need to come into contact with hazardous materials.
Stephen and then analyze the results using a microscope that is awarded by the grandfather. After some time, the planaria worms which look that are exposed to EGCG has no proven carcinogens and tumor in his body.
"We are still far from finding a cure for cancer to human beings because human and worm DNA is different. But this could provide new insights into what can be done with human cancer cells, "said Leslie about finding his son.
Thanks to these findings, Stephen has the right holds two-way in Georgia Science and Engineering Fair, and get compliments from various researchers in the country.
Stephen also gets a quote from Michael Levin, Director of the Allen Discovery Center, Tufts University who invited these teens to visit their laboratories. Stephen certainly excited because finally can feel being in the real Labs though only briefly.