Cheese like this Claimed Longevity can make Long Life

Not only tasty, cheese also has the potential to prevent cancer even prolong the life. But this only applies to a specific type of cheese.

Want to know where is the cheese? From research conducted the Texas A&M Institute of Biosciences and Technology was discovered, aged cheese or cheese that has been silenced for at least six months such as cheddar, brie, and parmesan can prevent cancer if consumed.

This is because, according to the researchers, the cheese-the cheese contains a compound called spermidine. Spermidine is known were able to prevent liver fibrosis, that condition in which scar tissue formation occur in the liver. When left alone, liver fibrosis that occurs on an ongoing basis will be lethal to cells of the liver itself.

Spermidine also is known to protect the body from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), a type of liver cancer.

But as far as this researcher recently successfully piloted the benefits of consumption of cheese (in this case his spermidine) to rats. Proven, the mice were given supplements containing spermidine undergoes addition of age of life expectancy to 25 percent and to avoid health problems associated with his heart.

"the 25 percent that a dramatic improvement. When translated to humans, can reach 100 years of age of more, "said researcher Leyuan Liu, Ph.d. of the Center for Translational Cancer Research, Texas A&M University, Science Daily reported.

The issue is, this new benefit can be if humans had already given the spermidine or foods containing these compounds in age-the age they started eating solid food. Researchers are of the opinion it's certainly difficult to do.

"In theory, if it is to gain these benefits, we could use some alternative, namely reducing the calories consumed in large amounts and limiting methionine (an amino acid in meat and other protein sources). But don't eat meat at all is also not good for health, so the approach using the spermidine is considered better, "added Liu.

Spermidine can also be consumed in the long run if it can be changed into the form of a supplement. Liu himself optimistic with this achievement because spermidine is a compound that is produced naturally by the food, so it felt very minimal side effects.

But for a while, the benefits of these compounds can be obtained from consumption of foods. In addition to foodstuffs such as cheese, mushrooms, soy, beans, and whole grain is routinely are also known to be able to provide the same effect.