Compared to other blood cancers such as leukemia, myeloma disease still rarely known. As to what the actual facts about this disease?
A specialist in diseases of the Pondok Indah HOSPITAL, dr Toman l. Toruan, SpPD, KHOM, explaining that myeloma is a type of blood cancer characterized by uncontrolled growth of plasma cells in the blood.
These conditions led to increased levels of one immunoglobulin in the body.
"In the human body that there are 5 immunoglobulins, i.e. the G, M, A, D and e. myeloma patients, the levels of one of the significantly increased immunoglobulin, so durability body down and easy patient infection," said Dr Toman in the discussion of the media in the SCBD, Jakarta, Monday (27/4/2017).
Compared to other types of blood cancers such as leukemia, dr Toman mentions myeloma still rarely discussed. Whereas this disease also turns off when it is too late to treat.
"Death can occur when myeloma late found. Well, not typical myeloma complaints, so the diagnosis is often late, "he added.
The cause of myeloma himself said by Dr. Toman are multifactor aka consists of many causes. Cancer is generally not triggered only from one type causes only. There is a genetic nature but may also result from high exposure to radiation and chemical substances.
In terms of age groups, the most numerous attack myeloma age group above 60 years of age with a peak at the age of 65 to 74 years. Symptoms generally suspected as myeloma i.e. increased blood calcium levels in the blood increase, creatinin, anemia, and bone is porous to inflict pain.