5 Benefits Reduce Eating Sweet Food

5 Benefits Reduce Eating Sweet Food. In addition to lowering the risk of diabetes, reducing the consumption of sweet foods and beverages can also provide other benefits for the body. Therefore, there is nothing wrong from now you reduce excessive intake of sugary intake.

As summarized detikHealth from various sources, the following 5 extra benefits reduce the sweet intake for health:

1. Skin ageless

Studies show that the amount of sugar in the blood affects the health of the skin. When you eat too much sugar, there is a process in the body that results in skin elasticity may decrease. Well, to keep skin firm and youthful, one of the things that you can apply in the diet is less intake of excessive sweet.

2. Stomach fat is reduced

Fat in the abdominal area aka visceral fat is one of the risk factors for heart disease and diabetes. Recent data from the Framingham Heart Study found a link between the consumption of sweet drinks with visceral fat composition. Mentioned that the more you consume sweet drinks, the higher your visceral fat level.

 3. More energized

Artificial sugar is generally a simple carbohydrate. This means the components are digested quickly. In effect, your blood sugar will rise sharply then quickly down again. If you need energy fuel, replace your sweet intake with high-protein snacks like almonds.

These intakes take longer to digest, so your energy will also last longer. This was conveyed nutritionist and author of 'The 21-Day Sugar Detox', Diane Sanfilippo.

4. Cut the risk of obesity

Epidemiological studies show a link between weight gain and excess sugar consumption. Consumption of excess sugar is believed to give you extra calories, which leads to the risk of obesity.

5. Healthy of heart

The more sugar you consume, the higher your risk of heart disease. In a study in the journal JAMA some time ago, researchers found that those who consume sugar with the highest levels of sugar, has a risk of death from heart disease two times higher.