Complaints of menstrual pain can arise when women Middle coming months, especially in the early days of the coming months. But, how to differentiate normal menstrual pain and abnormal?
Dr. Noviyanti Rev. of RS Mayapada Tangerang confirmed if any menstruation has always suffered painful menstruation, it is perfectly reasonable.
However, it should be distinguished whether a perceived normal menstrual pain or not.
However, it should be distinguished whether a perceived normal menstrual pain or not.
"If her normal pain, it's just Achy in the lower abdomen, felt cramps-cramps wrote, but could still have activity as usual," said Dr. Novi over Live Chat ' Whiteness and the issue of Femininity"
But, if menstrual pain experienced up to annoy women couldn't get activity to school, work, just roll around in bed, even to have to get an infusion, according to Dr. Novi good immediately checks to the doctor. The goal, to ascertain whether there is inflammation of the uterus (endometriosis) mild, moderate, or heavy, and it should be therapied
Quoted from the book ' painful menstruation is not (always) Normal ' by GMITS Team (Gynecologic Minimally Invasive Treatment of, painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea are divided into two major categories, namely primary and secondary. Dysmenorrhea primer that is painful menstruation that occurs without the presence of abnormalities in the reproductive organs, while the secondary dysmenorrhea is menstrual pain that arises because there are abnormalities in the reproductive organs like endometriosis, myoma uteri, and adenomyosis.
If the menstrual pain was felt since first menstruation and is always there every menstruate with the same duration and intensity, this is most likely the primary dysmenorrhea. Meanwhile, menstrual pain that indicates the possibility of abnormalities in the reproductive organs and requires medical handling have characterized them:
-The intensity of the pain the longer the more excellent.
-Formerly given anti-depressant drugs pain subsided, but gradually the pain did not subside despite being given drugs any-pain.
-Painful menstruation makes women couldn't move even had to break on mattresses a day.
-The duration of the pain to linger long, usually just two days into three days, but 6 months later became 5 days and not infrequently even finished menstrual pain still live.