4 Common Mistakes That Sleep Away!

To be useful, sleeping is not just for 8 hours. Sleep quality must also be considered to sleep soundly and the body can rest up.

Unfortunately, often the quality of our sleep is reduced due to self-made mistakes. Anything?

Summarized detikHealth from various sources, following article about 8 common mistakes that make sleep so not soundly, the second part:

1. Restlessness can not sleep

It is true that sleep must be properly scheduled for maximum benefit. But if you have not been asleep, do not panic and restless.

Panic and anxiety actually make the body feel tense, making it difficult to relax and make it more difficult to sleep. If so, it helps you to calm down by taking a deep breath while meditating.

2. Take sleeping pills

Some people consider sleeping pills as a way out to sleep well. Though the use of sleeping pills without a doctor's prescription is not recommended.

Change your sleeping habits for the better by not using gadgets or listening to music before bed. If it is still problematic, call your doctor to get prescription sleeping pills.

3. Drinking alcohol

Alcohol can indeed make sleepy. However, alcohol makes the REM phase during sleep decreases.

This makes a person who drinks alcohol can sleep longer. It's just that the restoration function that occurs during sleep is not maximal and make him dizzy and weak when waking the next day.

4. Shower night

The habit of bathing at night does not have bad consequences. Even the night using warm water can make the body more relaxed and sleep faster.

But that only applies to those who have been living the habit for a long time. For some people, taking a bath in the evenings makes them feel fresh and have trouble sleeping.