What most make women suffer during coming months? Most women certainly agreed on pain in the body and all the ' turbulence ' emotions attached to them.
If it were so, a lot of them become powerless. Fortunately a review of scientific studies on yoga 15 against the team of researchers from King's College London discovered, yoga is able to cope with the pre-menstrual syndrome aka PMS.
The review of certain yoga can reduce PMS symptoms such as abdominal pain and the changing mood in women aged 13-45 years.
Not only that, the participants also claimed to feel the reduction in back pain, cramps, including anxiety, stress, and anger due to the hormonal changes that occur when PMS. Many of them claiming to be able to concentrate better on trying yoga.
"It's very interesting because it can be learned in yoga classes or tutorials online, and can be practiced anywhere, no need for special equipment and is not out of money," said the researcher, Dr. Jennifer Oates as reported the Daily Mail.
Oates explained, the perpetrator is yoga more can cope with stress and mood changes that affect them while PMS because they are ' forced ' to focus on the poses and breathing patterns during exercise.
But basically, from studies previously existing also said that yoga can reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol and limit or an inflammatory response in the body, which makes a person better able to tolerate the pain or the pain he felt.
But of the many yoga poses that exist, researchers agreed to say that the Cobra pose, cat, and fish the most powerful menstrual problems to overcome.
For those of you that are not familiar in the yoga Cobra pose, depicted with a sitting position while rounding the back forward like a snake; While the cat pose is when the foot bent in a position such as a table with both hands and head straight down.
For the fish pose, body bent backward with a sitting position remained seated. Then the chest was raised slightly and the head affixed to the floor so it kinda looked up.