The chances of having children are determined by the husband and wife, especially how their health conditions.When things are ' not right ' on the one hand, the opportunity to have children can diminish.
Well, speaking of the chances of a pregnancy, the following conditions can hinder man's chances of having a child, as quoted from ' the journal Program Nutritalk Flower Grow Optimally Reliable Leaders Cipatakan ' compiled by Health Writers Journalist working group (K2JPK).
1. Obesity
The guy has a fat pile of outrageously fat everywhere including in the area of the top sex (pubis). The buildup of fat in this area resulted in the penis looks smaller and more short thus limiting contact during sex. Note also the potential effect on the hormone testosterone is also responsible for the development of male reproductive organs.
2. The problem of sperm
"The movement of the sperm slowly becomes one of the causes of the difficult pregnancy. Because, while slow moving sperm cells when sex, automatically there is no sperm cells that successfully reached the egg and fertilization did not happen, "said the team of writers.
To overcome this, the recommended fix patterns of living and increase the consumption of foods containing vitamin E like broccoli, almonds, and Avocados.
3. The Varicocele (testicular varicose veins)
Varicocele patients experience a widening of blood vessels or veins so influenced the formation and quality of sperm produced. Widening of the vein vessels also resulted in a buildup of blood in the testes so that the temperature around the scrotum. This condition can weaken even shut off so that sperm cells are not able to fertilize the egg.
Hence, how to cope with varicocele? Varicocele can be overcome by microsurgical techniques to repair the problematic vein vessels. That way, the blood flow in arteries remain smoothly so as to minimize the risk of complications such as the testicles shrink or the buildup of fluid in the testicles. In addition, it also needs to improve the quality of therapy for the sperm to fertilize the egg cells that are already cooked.
4. hormonal Disorders
This condition is characterized by hormone levels that are too high or low to affect fertility, such as hypothyroid. Tiorid low hormone levels can lower the quality of the semen, the functions of the testes, and interfere with the libido.
5. The combination of physical and psychological disorders
"Some sexual problems in men are associated with psychological conditions. Although the actual disorders, psychological and physical, "said the team of writers. Well, the combination of the physical and psychological disorders among this impotence, premature ejaculation, ejaculation, and incompetence.
Impotence can be caused by one or a combination of several factors. Formerly, impotence is considered psychological problems. But, recent research mentions the physical problems of impotence as exacerbated by the problem of such edgy psychic, feel guilty, and not confident.
Well, premature ejaculation is the inability to control ejaculation response after penetration a minimum of 30 seconds. This condition becomes a problem of infertility when ejaculation occurs before the penis really is inside the vagina. Meanwhile, incompetence is the inability of ejaculation during intercourse due to psychological conditions.