Michigan, the meat is not bad for health forever, as long as it is not consumed in excess. But on a teenage girl, meat consumption can result in puberty comes sooner.
At least this is what was found in the latest University of Michigan study after observing the pattern of eating from adolescent 456 women aged 5-12 years in Bogota, Colombia for six years. The study started in adolescents had not yet started menstruating.
Related to diets, consumption of red meat on the participants reported varied, from four times a week to twice a day. But it turns out they most often eat meat gets her first menstruation in the range of 12 years of age 3 months. While they are most seldom eat the meat began his puberty at the age of 12 years 9 months.
Interestingly, the same study also reveals, teenagers are hooked eating fatty fish such as tuna or sardines at least one time every month experience puberty later than my peers. The average of those just starting menstruation at age 12 years and 6 months.
Researchers asserted, a difference of five months does sound a lot, but not for them, this number is already reasonably significant especially if associated with the risk of serious disease later in life.
Because breast cancer is a type of cancer that is believed to be associated with the age of the first time you feel menstruation. Faster first menstruation, which concerned the longer exposure to the hormone estrogen known as long as it can increase the risk of cancer in a person.
In addition to cancer, early puberty is also associated with risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. "Unfortunately we did not know what specific components contained in red meat and trigger menstruation early," said senior researcher Dr. Eduardo Villamor as reported the Daily Mail.
But a research carried out at the University of London in the year 2011 reveal, genetic factors more influential on puberty early than the food factor.
Researchers found because this is the age factor when the girls get their first menstruation generally only three months at loggerheads from the mother or sister to another. For example, if the mother experienced her first menstruation at age 12, then his son will also be stopping in the same age range.