Although a favorite of many people and can make food taste better, chili should not be consumed in excess. Habits like this can interfere with the work of the digestive system.
As reported by Dr. Ari Fahrial Sham, SpPD-KGEH, MMB, chili is now a part of flavor for some people, thus increasing appetite, but still, should not be consumed in excess.
"Someone who fond of sauce should be able to measure how much chili to be consumed.Consumption of chili with a very large number can cause injury and stimulate diarrhea," said the digestive health experts from RS Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) is to detikHealth.
In addition, too much chili consumption can also cause heat during bowel movements. According to Dr. Ari, this heat caused by excitatory sensory nerves from capsaicin. Capsaicin itself is a content of chili that triggers spicy flavor.
In people with a history of indigestion such as mag disease, excessive chili consumption is said by Dr. Ari can also trigger a recurrence of mag pain. Meanwhile, in patients who have a history of hemorrhoid, too much chili consumption can also cause heat sensation in the anus, even to the point of stimulating the occurrence of bleeding.
"Chili is indeed a favorite supplement for some of our society, as well as many benefits for health, but also must be careful eating it, especially in patients with indigestion," said Dr. Ari.